Thursday, January 15, 2009

Inaugural Post

This idea of creating a blog has been on my mind for a long time. For many reasons, I didn't want to join facebook so this was the obvious choice. There are many people from different places in my life that i would like to continue sharing ideas with. friends, students etc... My distance physically and the time difference to the states, makes that process difficult at times. So this is my attempt at reconnecting with some, and maintaining connection with others. Here goes.

Just as an aside: anyone who knows me at all, understands the title of this blog. Reb Shlomo Carlebach zt"l was a master of phraseology. His descriptions were second to none. Plenty of people use his expressions, but he was the original. He simplified the most intense ideas, and made people feel like he was telling them a children's story. One of his classics was, "And this is mamash Deepest Depths." For whatever reason, this one stuck with me. so enjoy!

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