Thursday, December 30, 2010


If you have ever contemplated the first of the plagues, Blood,  you probably imagined water turning from a clear liquid into a red liquid.  Each of the plagues is a way for every individual to become that much closer to freedom.  Freedom from the bounds and limitations that 2000 years of Egypatian exilic thinking has placed on us.  I say 2000 years of Egyptian exile because it is known that all of the trials of exile were included in the Egyptian Exile.  The opening words of Sefer Shemos  include the phrase  הבאים .The word  הבאים  stands for בבל אדום יון מדי.  All Galus is included in Mitzrayim.  Each plague is an avenue for contemplation as to how to return to a healthy spiritual, emotional and physical existence.  A person can easily tell if he or she is locked into the toxicity of Mitzrayim.  Paroah's initial decree which embodied all subsequent decrees was enacted because of a fear that Am Yisrael might multiply and become an internal enemy.  Paroah says פן ירבה, a language of MAYBE, PERHAPS, UNSURE, DOUBT.  This is the root of Galus, individually and nationally.  When a person's entire existence is trapped in doubt.  Maybe God exists, Maybe he doesn't.  Maybe I'll be a success, Maybe I won't.  This thinking saps a persons vitality.

The response to Paroah's decree of a life of uncertainty was כן ירבה וכן יפרוץ ,  meaning Absolutely, certainly.  Geulah means living life just knowing, perhaps without being able to prove or explain, that god is real.  R' Yitzchak Vorka זי"ע, teaches that this is the meaning of פן ירבה.  When a person is in spiritual galus, he is in a period of פן ירבה , the פן(uncertainty and doubt, Safek) is overtaking his life.  Our response needs to be כן ירבה , to leave our minds at the wayside and proceed with the certainty that our hearts are filled with. 
So this is what's happening in the transformation from water to blood.  Not just color.  Water has the elemental structure H20, and is inorganic.  Although water is essential for survival, it is Inorganic, and does not contain the building block of physical life, Carbon.  Blood is organic.  The Plague of blood is an energy of transformation from an inorganic life to an Organic one.  As the Maharal explains in Netzach Yisrael, the state of the Jewish people in Galus, under the constant influence of Doubt and Uncertainty, is Inorganic.  Real life can't be developed from doubt.  May we all be granted access to the flow of unending certainty, simple faith, and redemption.

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