Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sufganiyot and Spies

Chanukah candles are lit until the time of "תכלה רגל מן השוק." Until all of the legs have left the marketplace.
I heard from R' Daniel Cohen (Rav of Yishuv Bat Ayin) that this is a guiding message for how to bring the light of Chanukah into or lives.

The lights of Chanukah are a protective spiritual layer that surround our inner purity. נר איש וביתו means each man and his own inner place.

רגל is the root of the word , מרגל or spy. A spy is someone whose whole job is to seek out the frailties, weakness, flaws and vulnerability in another person.

The lights of Chanukah, of seeing that there is something beyond nature, beyond beauty, beyond reason, can only warm our homes, our souls, when we stop seeking out the flaws and weaknesses in another person. לראותם בלבד. If we were stranded on an Island with one other person, we would look for all the good things in that person, no matter what the scenario, because without them, we can't survive. לראותם בלבד means to look at everyone as if it was only you and him in the world, alone.

ואין לנו רשות להשתמש בהם . When someone talks, are we just waiting for them to finish so we can speak? Are we already formulating a response while they are mid-sentence?
Seek out the welfare of others, and avoid the poisonous habit that we have seen in many of using people.

Everyone has dreams and hopes. לראותם בלבד. When we look at other people, try to see their נקודה of בלבד. That aspect of them that makes them unique.

May this be a Teves of Seeking to further the dreams of others and through that may we all merit to have our Collective dream realized.
את שיבת ציון היינו כחולמים

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